Tuesday 7 September 2010

An inspirational woman.

I was encouraged to read this article in the Courier Mail last Friday. This is a woman after my own heart. Her name is Kerry Huntly. She went to Cambodia to help out for six weeks, came home, sold her house and went back to open a home in Siem Reap. That was two years ago. She is working with the slum dwellers on community development and teaching English. Her organisation is called New Hope Cambodia.
I'm delighted to be visiting the area close to this part of Cambodia and would love to spend time with such an inspirational person.
She does speak of how she misses her adult children back in Australia. I can so understand where she is coming from. That is the one thing that will be the biggest challenge of leaving Australia, especially if I end up going away long term.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

A legacy of compassion

It was so great last Sunday morning to have the chance to hear Andrew Merry talk about Compassion Child Sponsorship. He spoke from Mark 9: 33 - 37 and focussed on why Jesus talked of greatness as it relates to the way we respond to children. He emphasised the relationship that we as adults have to adapt to when we have responsibility for children. Children demand so much of what Jesus values. They require that we learn to be selfless, humble, others focussed and protective. In fact we become the servants of our children. Our role as adults is to protect the voiceless ones and fight for the rights of children. We are to ensure that our children are given every opportunity to ensure that they can be the best that they can be.

Jesus was also being strategic when he told us that children are the key to the kingdom. Children are so open to the Gospel. They are impressionable; which gives us an incredible opportunity, but also a huge responsibility. The 'millstone around the neck' and the 'disposal into the lake' are appropriate for how I feel about so many adults who show they don't have any pace around children.