Tuesday 13 July 2010

Weird Aspie Dream

As part of how annoying it is to be Aspie even my subconscious reacts in Aspergers fashion. I have had 2 days at an in-service conference for teachers, in a really crowded auditorium. I struggled with the overcrowded space, the strong lighting, the noise, (especially other members of the audience whispering while the speaker was speaking). I waited in long crowds for food, which while it was tasty, was not part of the diet. There was only cow's milk for coffee and no salad veges, (which are what I live on at the moment)

The stimulation must have all been just too much for my system. I didn't realize until I woke this morning just how stressed I must have become during the day. I dreamt (as I have a couple of times before in such situations) that people I didn't know came and moved into my home. I wouldn't be surprised if I was calling out in my sleep as I remember yelling out over and over, 'Get out of my house. You have no right to be here. Get out!' The dream went from bad to worse because as I moved whole families out of one room of the house they simply re situated themselves in a different part of the house. They invited friends in and had parties, left mess and wouldn't leave, in fact they became more and more sneaky in where they were hiding and places they were using up.

I must have become quite out of control as I remember I began to become physical, pushing people out the door, with their belongings, shutting doors and locking them, only to find that people had entered a different way.

I woke tired and didn't want to go back to the conference again today to be greeted with the same thing again. I planned to sit at the back out of the assigned seating, attend sessions in smaller groups if possible, and even brought my own lunch and soy milk for coffee. I wasn't going to struggle again a second day. However, other people must have thought the crowd was too stressful as today it had visibly thinned and I was able to enjoy my day a lot more.

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