Wednesday 24 September 2014

University Study

Part of my purpose in studying again is that I have not been able to find work. However, on a deeper level, unemployment is but a symptom of something far more important, and my second purpose in studying again. My logic goes like this. If I have over 30 years experience in my profession, possess a number of additional qualifications in leadership, special education, giftedness, literacy and numeracy education and still am not able to land a position despite a fairly strong resume, how must it be for others. If I as someone on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum am unable to    perform well enough at interview to land a position, how many other people with autism are currently unemployed or seriously underemployed, for the same reason. My thinking is that perhaps if I learn all I can about autism, then maybe I can play some role in ensuring that the interaction between the person who is highly qualified and passionate about working and the employer who needs someone highly qualified and motivated becomes mutually beneficial. I want to work to ensure that the gap between those with ASD who are able and willing to work and the number with ASD who currently are working, becomes smaller and smaller. From a social justice perspective I am motivated. From the perspective of wasted human capital I am also motivated. Where would our world be without our amazing Aspie thinkers and how many of our creative individuals are being overlooked and marginalised simply because of communicative quirks that result in them not performing well at interview? What a disgraceful wasted of potential!

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